Flair Ventures
Art Direction, Branding
Flair Ventures is a venture capital based in Ontario, Canada, which assists immigrants in fulfilling their goals of bringing ideas for startups to life by helping them with funding.
Opting for a rebrand, Flair Ventures connected with me in 2022 and expressed their desire for a new brand identity entirely different from the one they already had. They required a logo that spoke to their vision of providing startup funding to immigrants in Canada.

The logo was to exhibit an aura of elevation and success brought on by support. I played with the F of the name by adding an arrow instead of F’s usual arm. This arrow symbolizes upward growth, hence denoting the growth of startups with funding.

I chose three primary colors and four secondary colors. This decision allows the brand to be versatile across various mediums, showcasing diversity depending on the situation.
Since green is the color associated with money and funding, I chose it as one of the primary colors and added a darker shade of green to the secondary colors.

Two font families have been included as part of the brand’s typography: Canela for the titles and Work Sans Pro for the body copies. I chose Canela for its soft yet sharp edges that give a modern yet classical look. Work Sans has been chosen for its behaved yet shapely texture and availability in different weights.

As mentioned previously, this logo would have applications in a variety of mediums. Therefore, I created mockups that could accurately display the brand when it would be applied to merchandise such as mugs, pens, T-shirts, and other items.

The arrow from the F, denoting growth, has been utilized as a pattern for the brand for application on different mediums too. Since the arrow boasts a triangular shape, We played with it to create a pattern system made up of multiple arrows in different shades of the brand’s primary and secondary colors.